The West Camden Tract is a +/- 57.82 acre (per Tax Records) tract of timberland located in Ouachita County on the western edge of the Camden, AR city limits. The parcel is divided into three proposed lots which can be packaged together. Some utilities exist allowing for camp/home site potential within the Camden Fairview School District. According to the USDA NRCS web soil survey, the soils for the entire property consist of predominately Kirvin-Sacul association and other fine sandy loams which give a weighted average site index of 83.4 feet for Loblolly Pine (base age 50) for the portion rated.
The West Camden – Parcel 03 (#03019-03730) contains +/- 22.9 acre (per GIS Estimate) with a central location of North 33.599624°, West 92.877386°. The topography is well drained sloping downwards towards the southwest where an intermittent creek runs along the southwestern corner. Access is excellent with County Road 598 running to the southeastern corner of the parcel. A powerline right-of-way about 50 feet in width runs along the northeastern border of the parcel for nearly 400 yards. The parcel features over 20 acres of merchantable Pine /Hardwood timber. Contact us today if you are looking for a small, wooded lot capable of being developed into your very own country retreat with nearby access to the city of Camden, AR.
Bids will be received until Thursday, March 28th, 2024 at 10:00am
Property Features
- Utilities /Home Site Potential
- Powerline Right-of-Way
- Sandy Loam Soils
- Near Camden, AR
- Well-Drained /Rolling Hills
- Intermittent Creek Drain
- County Road Frontage
- Merchantable Pine-Hardwood
- Land for Sale
- Recreational Property
- Timberland Property
- Hunting
- Investment & Income
- Call The Neeley (870) 836-5981